Finden Sie schnell holz klappläden für Ihr Unternehmen: 274 Ergebnisse

HAresil Color  Holzschutzfarbe Holzschutzmittel gegen Holzwurm und Holzschädlinge, Pilzbekämpfung

HAresil Color Holzschutzfarbe Holzschutzmittel gegen Holzwurm und Holzschädlinge, Pilzbekämpfung

HAresil Color die Holzschutz Innovation, natürlich, mineralisch und mehrfach wirksam- es schützt das Holz vor Witterungseinflüssen, Pilzen und Fräslingen. Es verfestigt angegriffenes Holz. Produktbeschreibung Die Holzschutz Innovation, natürlich, mineralisch und mehrfach wirksam- es schützt das Holz vor Witterungseinflüssen, Pilzen und Fräslingen. Es verfestigt angegriffenes Holz. eco-INSTITUT zertifiziert HAresil Color baut auf das HAresil Basic auf. Es handelt sich um ein rein mineralisch, physikalisch wirksame Holzschutzlasur und es schützt vor tierischen Holzschädlingen und Pilze. Es enthält keinerlei toxikologisch oder sonstige bedenkliche Inhaltsstoffe. HAresil Color ist Pestizid- und Insektizid frei und enthält keinerlei Biozide. HAresil Color ist einfach aufzutragen – ohne Grundierung, ohne Anschleifen, lediglich HAresil Color 2-fach auftragen.Mit dem Auftragen von HAresil Color schützen Sie zum einen Ihr Holz vor tierischen Holzschädlingen und Pilze und zum anderen geben Sie dem Holz die passende Farbe Ihrer Wahl. HAresil Color: schützt vor tierischen Holzschädlingen wie Holzwurm, Termiten, Hausbock, Splintholzkäfer u.a. schützt vor pflanzlichen (holzzerstörende) Schädlingen wie Pilze, Schimmel, Bläuepilze, Blaufäule und Hausschwamm. geeignet für Innen und Außennach der Trocknung nicht Auswaschbar. UV-stabil und Farbecht Es sondert nach der Trocknung keine schädlichen Dämpfe ab (geprüft und zertifizier vom eco-INSTITUT). HAresil Color erfüllt die Anforderungen von eco-INSTITUT - es ist emissionsfrei. Da es sich bei HAresil Color um ein mineralisches Produkt handelt wirkt es nach dem Aushärten ungiftig und somit ist der Bodenkontakt bedenkenlos möglich. HAresil color gilt als bienenungefährlich und ist hervorragend als Beutenschutzfarbe zu verwenden. Im Produkt sind keinerlei gefährliche Stoffe enthalten. HAresil Color ist nicht kennzeichnungspflichtig HAresil Color bietet eine große Farbauswahl an. Folgende Farben erhältlich: Schiefergrau, Braunrot, Kieselgrau, Schwarz, Tannengrün, Rostrot, Nussbraun, Braunbeige, Kiefergelb, Sand, Elfenbein und Weiß. Vorbehandlung / Applikation: Die Holzoberfläche muss sauber, staubfrei sowie öl-, harz-, wachs und fettfrei sein. Alte Anstriche und Lasuren vorher entfernen. HAresil Color mittels Pinsel, Rolle, Sprühpistole auftragen. Sehr trockenes Holz benötigt für eine effektive Aufnahme länger als ein Holz mit Restfeuchte. Nach einer Wartezeit von ca. 2 Stunden Vorgang 2 wiederholen (nochmaliges Auftragen von HAresil Color) Nach der vollständigen Abtrocknung von mind. 48 Std. ist das Holz stapelbar. Wichtig: Für einen gesicherten Schutz ist ein allseitiges Auftragen erforderlich. Stirnholz vorzugsweise eintauchen. Vor Gebrauch sehr gut aufrühren (mindestens 2-3 Minuten) und bei Temperaturen über den Gefrierpunkt auftragen. Verbrauch ca. 100-150gr./m² bei gehobelter Oberfläche Verbrauch ca. 200-300gr./m² bei sägerauer Oberfläche Folgende Gebinde Größen können Sie bestellen: 1kg, 2kg, 5kg und 20kg. Vorteile / Eigenschaften von HAresil Color: für Innen und Außen einfache Verarbeitung ohne Anschleifen und ohne Grundierung zweifacher Auftrag und fertig UV-Stabil Lösungsmittelfrei Ohne Pestizide Ohne Insektizide Ohne Biozide Bienenungefährlich (Beutenschutzfarbe) Emissionsfrei Inhaltsstoffe: HAresil Color besteht aus einer speziellen Mischung aus Alkali Silikaten in Wasser und anorganische (=mineralische) Pigmente. Einsatzgebiet: Innen- und Außenbereich Nachbehandlung im Außenbereich nach ca. 2-3 Jahren wenn erforderlich Bitte beachten Sie: Aufgrund unterschiedlicher Monitor- und Druckereinstellungen können wir eine farbverbindliche Wiedergabe leider nicht garantieren. Je nach Untergrundbeschaffenheit (z.B. Holzart) können ebenfalls Farbabweichungen auftreten. Nachbehandlung nach ca. 2-3 Jahren EUH210 Sicherheitsdatenblatt auf Anfrage erhältlich
HAresil Color  Holzschutzfarbe Holzschutzmittel gegen Holzwurm und Holzschädlinge, Pilzbekämpfung

HAresil Color Holzschutzfarbe Holzschutzmittel gegen Holzwurm und Holzschädlinge, Pilzbekämpfung

HAresil Color die Holzschutz Innovation, natürlich, mineralisch und mehrfach wirksam- es schützt das Holz vor Witterungseinflüssen, Pilzen und Fräslingen. Es verfestigt angegriffenes Holz. Produktbeschreibung Die Holzschutz Innovation, natürlich, mineralisch und mehrfach wirksam- es schützt das Holz vor Witterungseinflüssen, Pilzen und Fräslingen. Es verfestigt angegriffenes Holz. eco-INSTITUT zertifiziert HAresil Color baut auf das HAresil Basic auf. Es handelt sich um ein rein mineralisch, physikalisch wirksame Holzschutzlasur und es schützt vor tierischen Holzschädlingen und Pilze. Es enthält keinerlei toxikologisch oder sonstige bedenkliche Inhaltsstoffe. HAresil Color ist Pestizid- und Insektizid frei und enthält keinerlei Biozide. HAresil Color ist einfach aufzutragen – ohne Grundierung, ohne Anschleifen, lediglich HAresil Color 2-fach auftragen.Mit dem Auftragen von HAresil Color schützen Sie zum einen Ihr Holz vor tierischen Holzschädlingen und Pilze und zum anderen geben Sie dem Holz die passende Farbe Ihrer Wahl. HAresil Color: schützt vor tierischen Holzschädlingen wie Holzwurm, Termiten, Hausbock, Splintholzkäfer u.a. schützt vor pflanzlichen (holzzerstörende) Schädlingen wie Pilze, Schimmel, Bläuepilze, Blaufäule und Hausschwamm. geeignet für Innen und Außennach der Trocknung nicht Auswaschbar. UV-stabil und Farbecht Es sondert nach der Trocknung keine schädlichen Dämpfe ab (geprüft und zertifizier vom eco-INSTITUT). HAresil Color erfüllt die Anforderungen von eco-INSTITUT - es ist emissionsfrei. Da es sich bei HAresil Color um ein mineralisches Produkt handelt wirkt es nach dem Aushärten ungiftig und somit ist der Bodenkontakt bedenkenlos möglich. HAresil color gilt als bienenungefährlich und ist hervorragend als Beutenschutzfarbe zu verwenden. Im Produkt sind keinerlei gefährliche Stoffe enthalten. HAresil Color ist nicht kennzeichnungspflichtig HAresil Color bietet eine große Farbauswahl an. Folgende Farben erhältlich: Schiefergrau, Braunrot, Kieselgrau, Schwarz, Tannengrün, Rostrot, Nussbraun, Braunbeige, Kiefergelb, Sand, Elfenbein und Weiß. Vorbehandlung / Applikation: Die Holzoberfläche muss sauber, staubfrei sowie öl-, harz-, wachs und fettfrei sein. Alte Anstriche und Lasuren vorher entfernen. HAresil Color mittels Pinsel, Rolle, Sprühpistole auftragen. Sehr trockenes Holz benötigt für eine effektive Aufnahme länger als ein Holz mit Restfeuchte. Nach einer Wartezeit von ca. 2 Stunden Vorgang 2 wiederholen (nochmaliges Auftragen von HAresil Color) Nach der vollständigen Abtrocknung von mind. 48 Std. ist das Holz stapelbar. Wichtig: Für einen gesicherten Schutz ist ein allseitiges Auftragen erforderlich. Stirnholz vorzugsweise eintauchen. Vor Gebrauch sehr gut aufrühren (mindestens 2-3 Minuten) und bei Temperaturen über den Gefrierpunkt auftragen. Verbrauch ca. 100-150gr./m² bei gehobelter Oberfläche Verbrauch ca. 200-300gr./m² bei sägerauer Oberfläche Folgende Gebinde Größen können Sie bestellen: 1kg, 2kg, 5kg und 20kg. Vorteile / Eigenschaften von HAresil Color: für Innen und Außen einfache Verarbeitung ohne Anschleifen und ohne Grundierung zweifacher Auftrag und fertig UV-Stabil Lösungsmittelfrei Ohne Pestizide Ohne Insektizide Ohne Biozide Bienenungefährlich (Beutenschutzfarbe) Emissionsfrei Inhaltsstoffe: HAresil Color besteht aus einer speziellen Mischung aus Alkali Silikaten in Wasser und anorganische (=mineralische) Pigmente. Einsatzgebiet: Innen- und Außenbereich Nachbehandlung im Außenbereich nach ca. 2-3 Jahren wenn erforderlich Bitte beachten Sie: Aufgrund unterschiedlicher Monitor- und Druckereinstellungen können wir eine farbverbindliche Wiedergabe leider nicht garantieren. Je nach Untergrundbeschaffenheit (z.B. Holzart) können ebenfalls Farbabweichungen auftreten. Nachbehandlung nach ca. 2-3 Jahren EUH210 Sicherheitsdatenblatt auf Anfrage erhältlich
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D25x5mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x15mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D5 siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D100-50x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x2mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x3mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D30x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x3mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 40x18x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x1mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x5mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x10mm siliver: silver
Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded Nd-Fe-B products are the key parts of micro motors and sensors, and their application fields include automobile, household appliances, industrial automation, office automation, encoder, medical health, etc. 1.Bonded NdFeB Magnets Molded magnet: Nd-Fe-B alloy magnetic powder and adhesive are mixed in proportion, granulated and pressed in the mold. The product has the following characteristics: 1) High dimensional accuracy of products: one-time molding can meet the accuracy requirements, and generally no machining is required 2) Large freedom of product form: it can be made into magnets in the shape of rings, cylinders, discs, tiles, blocks and special shapes. 3) Excellent magnetic properties: the magnetic energy product is three times that of anisotropic ferrite, with high intrinsic coercivity, simple process, short process, stable magnetic properties and good consistency in mass production. 4) The magnetization methods are flexible and diverse: axial, radial and radial magnetization, oblique magnetization, etc 5) Good corrosion resistance, good surface quality: the product surface has epoxy resin coating, excellent corrosion resistance. China: Germary gram: kg D30x10mm: D10x10mm block: block
Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded Nd-Fe-B products are the key parts of micro motors and sensors, and their application fields include automobile, household appliances, industrial automation, office automation, encoder, medical health, etc. 1.Bonded NdFeB Magnets Molded magnet: Nd-Fe-B alloy magnetic powder and adhesive are mixed in proportion, granulated and pressed in the mold. The product has the following characteristics: 1) High dimensional accuracy of products: one-time molding can meet the accuracy requirements, and generally no machining is required 2) Large freedom of product form: it can be made into magnets in the shape of rings, cylinders, discs, tiles, blocks and special shapes. 3) Excellent magnetic properties: the magnetic energy product is three times that of anisotropic ferrite, with high intrinsic coercivity, simple process, short process, stable magnetic properties and good consistency in mass production. 4) The magnetization methods are flexible and diverse: axial, radial and radial magnetization, oblique magnetization, etc 5) Good corrosion resistance, good surface quality: the product surface has epoxy resin coating, excellent corrosion resistance. China: Germary gram: kg D30x10mm: D5x3mm block: block
Heizpatronen Typ PDS, PDZ, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen Typ PDS, PDZ, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen sind besonders geeignet zum Einsatz als Werkzeugbeheizung, zur Beheizung von Breitschlitzdüsen, im Sondermaschinenbau, an Verpackungsmaschinen etc. Typ: PDS/PDZ max. Einsatztermperatur: 750°C max. Leistungsdichte: 15 W/cm²
Heizpatronen Typ PE,  Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen Typ PE, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen sind besonders geeignet zum Einsatz als Werkzeugbeheizung, zur Beheizung von Breitschlitzdüsen, im Sondermaschinenbau, an Verpackungsmaschinen etc. Typ: PE max. Einsatztermperatur: 400°C max. Leistungsdichte: 4 W/cm²
Heizpatronen Typ 0 ohne Mantel, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen Typ 0 ohne Mantel, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen ohne Mantel Typ 0 sind besonders geeignet zur Lufterwärmung und zum Einbau in Tauchrohre. Typ: 0 max. Einsatztermperatur: 600°C max. Leistungsdichte: 4 W/cm²


Die GeoClimaDesign-Stationen werden unter Berücksichtigung der Einsatzbedingungen, des Platzes sowie der Temperaturen gefertigt. Das Material der Baugruppen ist komplett korrosionsbeständig. Jede Station wird entsprechend der Planung der Ingenieure individuell ausgelegt und angefertigt. Zu den verbauten korrosionsbeständigen Materialien gehören Kunststoff, Edelstahl, Rotguss und vernickeltes Messing. Eine schnelle Montage im entsprechenden Bauprojekt kann durch einen hohen Vorfertigungsgrad und die Befestigung auf einem Konstruktionsrahmen sichergestellt werden. Funktions- und Regelelemente sind entweder bereits montiert oder können, sofern das Gewicht zu hoch ist, beim Montageprozess direkt flachdichtend eingeschraubt werden.
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: RM. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UU grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: P EP EC PQ soft magnet grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: transformer. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: P EP EC PQ soft magnet grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UI. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: I T UU RM soft magnet grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: CEPQEFDEPC Soft grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UU RM ER EE soft grey: grey